

Welcome to the website for the Professional Beauty Association (“LBBET乐博”), 一个致力于促进专业美容行业利益的专业协会. This 隐私政策 pertains to all websites maintained by LBBET乐博 and our affiliates. By using any of these websites, you consent to this 隐私政策 and our 使用条款, including the way that we collect, use, and share your information, as described below. 如果您对我们的政策或使用我们的网站有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 privacy@cargraphicsuk.com.


We collect information from you in several ways, 包括你提供给我们的时候, 比如你加入LBBET乐博, register or attend an event or education session, 创建用户帐户(配置文件), 注册电子邮件时事通讯, 在我们的社交媒体上发表评论, or otherwise provide us with your information.


You may provide certain personal information to us, 比如你的姓和名, 电子邮件地址, 邮寄地址, 位置信息, 您可以选择在您的个人资料或其他方面与我们分享的电话号码和其他信息. We also collect information when you communicate with us, 注册一个事件或教育, 下订单, 参加比赛, or when you 创建用户帐户(配置文件), including the password that you select (or one that we set, (在密码重置的情况下). 您也可以通过您的个人资料或在我们的网站或其他社交媒体上发布信息向我们提供信息.

照片、视频、 & LBBET乐博事件

你的图像, 的声音, 评论和/或名字可以在LBBET乐博活动中以照片和视频的形式出现,也可以作为您提交给LBBET乐博的内容的一部分,也可以通过社交媒体发布.


We may automatically collect certain information when you visit our website, such as your IP address; details about your browser, operating system and device/hardware; your location, if available; the URL that referred you to our website; your activities on our website; and other logging information, including the date and time of your visit. We may use a variety of technologies for such data collection, 包括web日志, 网络信标, 清晰的gif, 饼干和其他.


请注意,我们可能会使用“cookie”(或“本地共享对象”)——我们传输到您计算机硬盘上的小数据文件——来收集有关您和您使用我们网站的某些信息. We may also use cookies to identify your computer when you revisit our website to, 例如, 检索您的登录/帐户信息或跟踪与网站导航相关的统计信息. 我们可能会同时使用“会话”cookie和“持久”cookie,以便更好地运营我们的网站并增强您的体验. 会话cookie启用我们网站的某些功能,并在您断开连接或离开我们网站时从您的计算机中删除. If a portion of our website requires a password, you are giving us explicit permission to use a persistent cookie to manage your access.

你的浏览器, 或者其他软件, may allow you to reject or remove cookies, 但如果你这么做了, some features of our website may not work properly, and we may not be able to immediately recognize you the next time that you visit.

分析服务,目标广告 & 请勿追踪

We may also use third-party analytics services, 包括谷歌分析, 这些服务可能会跟踪你在不同时间和不同网站上的在线活动细节. These services help us to improve our website, products and offers. 这些服务还可能允许其他人根据您的在线活动向您提供您可能感兴趣的定向广告或内容. You can learn more about Google Analytics and your choices at this link http://www.google.com/analytics/analytics/features/. If you would like to learn more about targeted ads and consumer choice, you may wish to visit the Network Advertising Initiative at http://www.networkadvertising.org/

我们不回应, or take any specific action in connection with the receipt of, 不跟踪信号或其他类似机制,涉及收集个人随时间和跨第三方网站或在线服务的在线活动信息.

How We Use The Information That We Collect

We use the information that we collect from you to process your requests, 例如事件注册和订单, and to provide you with services and other information that may be of interest to you, like email newsletters or details regarding new products, 特别优惠或即将到来的活动. 我们还使用我们收集的信息来创建您的用户帐户(个人资料),并使您能够使用其功能. We also may use photographs and/or videos of you, 还有你的评论, 在我们的材料中, on our websites and in our social media.

您也可以通过向我们明确书面同意接收营销和非营销自动拨号和/或预先录制的电话和短信来选择接收LBBET乐博发送的文本或短信. Your consent to receive such calls or texts is not a condition of any purchase. 您可以在任何时候通过发送STOP回复短信或遵循其他选择退出指示来撤销您的同意. After you submit a request to unsubscribe, you will receive one final text alert from LBBET乐博 confirming your decision. 在那之后, 除非您重新激活您的选择同意,否则LBBET乐博将不再向您发送促销文本.

How and When We Share Information With 其他s

我们可能会与协助我们运营和处理您的请求的服务提供商共享我们从您那里收集的信息, 或与第三方合作,向您提供我们认为您会感兴趣的信息. We may also share information to satisfy any applicable law, 监管, 传票, government request or other legal process. We may also share information with others, 包括执法部门, to protect our website and to enforce our 使用条款. 我们还保留在合并事件中与任何继任组织共享我们收集的信息的权利, 整合, transfer of our assets or other change in our organization.

您提供的个人资料信息可能会提供给其他成员,除非您选择退出该功能. 您在竞赛中提交的任何个人信息也将向公众公开, unless the competition rules provide otherwise. 您在我们的网站或社交媒体上发布的任何信息或评论也将被公开.

第三方网站 & 服务

我们的网站包含来自第三方的功能,允许您与在线和社交媒体服务进行互动, 像脸谱网这样的, 你管, Twitter和其他. 如果你使用这些功能, then we may share information about you with those third parties, and they may collect additional information from you. 您应该查看此类第三方服务的隐私政策,以了解他们如何收集和使用信息.

Our website may also include links to third party websites or other online services. We are not responsible for these other sites and services, and they may collect and use information about you. 在使用此类网站或服务前,您应查阅其隐私政策,以了解其如何收集和使用信息.

Updating Your Information and Preferences

Our website may allow you to update the information that we collect from you, such as the contact information that you provide when you create an account (profile). 您也可以向我们发送电子邮件,要求我们更新或删除您的信息 privacy@cargraphicsuk.com. If you would prefer not to receive email newsletters or other messages from us, you may use the “unsubscribe” features that are included in such messages or contact us at privacy@cargraphicsuk.com.



我们使用商业上合理和行业标准的安全技术和保障措施来保护我们收集和使用的信息. We also expect our service providers to protect information in the same manner.

Information Is Transferred to The United States

Our website and offices are located and operated in the United States. 美国的隐私和数据保护法可能与其他国家不同. If you are located outside of the United States, 请注意,我们向您收集的信息将被转移和处理, 储存和使用在美国. By submitting personal information to us online and using our websites and online features, you agree to accept the terms of this 隐私政策.


Our website is intended for adults; we do not knowingly seek or collect personal information from children under the age of 13. 如果我们得知我们收集了13岁以下儿童的个人信息,而没有核实父母的同意, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If you believe that we may have personal information from or about a child under age 13, 请透过电邮联络我们 privacy@cargraphicsuk.com.


我们保留随时通过在我们的网站上发布更新版本来更改本隐私政策的权利. 您在上述生效日期之后使用我们的网站,即表示您接受修改后的政策. 我们保留将修订后的条款适用于我们已经收集的信息的权利, 受任何法律约束.


If you have any questions regarding our 隐私政策, 实践, 或您使用我们的网站, please contact us or use the information below:

电话: 480.281.0424
免费: 800.468.2274